I was lucky enough to be asked to illustrate a 'decade' cover for the momentous ACTION COMICS #1000. Even luckier for me, I was assigned the 1980s, which for me was the high-point of DC Comics design, thanks largely to the legendary José Luis García-López and his equally legendary DC Comics Style Guide.
The 1980s also produced the still unrivaled Super Powers toy line, which is where I was first introduced to Mr. García-López's perfect renditions of DC characters on the packaging. I have since learned that many of García-López's drawings were beautifully inked by Dick Giordano.
When I was offered the cover, I suggested to my editor that he just use any of García-López's Superman drawings and be done with it, but I got the job. I tried, but there was no way I was going to come up with a more classic Superman pose, so apologies and thank you to Mr. García-López.